Sunday, July 14, 2013

daily meditation for July 14, 2013-opportunity

Every day is an opportunity. I will see it as such and think of all the things I would like to do. I can start with myself. I will give myself a manicure today. I am worth it. I also have the opportunity to do something nice for my home to honor the environment that protects me. I can plant a flower. Then, I will look out into the world. I will think, "If I could do anything for the world, What would I do?"

Today is an opportunity to show my love for the world. I will smile at a stranger. I will say "thank you" and "please". I will express my desires to the Universe. I will take the actions that are necessary to realize my desires. All it takes is one small gesture to change the world. It would be amazing if everyone did something to help change the world today. I will think of the results of my actions multiplied by 7 billion. There are no small gestures of kindness and love when they are carried out by everyone. I will do my share today.

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